Future of Biggin Hill ACA Memorial Window
Past Chairman of the Aircrew Association and current Chairman of the ACA Archive Trust, Air Cdre Jack Broughton, has been closely engaged in seeking an appropriate future for the displaced Memorial Window in the remodelled Memorial Chapel at Biggin Hill. The emails below describe the progress that has been made to preserve this important memorial.
The window itself is shown HERE (courtesy of The Guardian).
Application Summary
Address: St Georges RAF Chapel Main Road Biggin Hill TN16 3EJ
Proposal: Listed Building Consent - Proposed Memorial Museum (Use Class D2) with ancillary café/ shop (Use Class A1/A3) with associated car parking, landscaping and alterations to the access points, demolition of modern annex building at St Georges Chapel and minor alterations to the listed building.
Further details HERE.
16 Aril 2017
From Air Commodore Jack Broughton OBE DL:
I am a former Chairman of the Aircrew Association (ACA) and currently Chairman of the Aircrew Association Archive Trust (A3T). As Chairman of the ACA I presented the Aircrew Association Stained Glass window to St Georges Chapel about 20 years ago. I would like to learn what plans are being considered for the future placement of the window at Biggin Hill and if there are no plans for its future I can offer space at the ACA Archive located at the Yorkshire Air Museum Elvington York.
8 October 2017
From Air Commodore Jack Broughton OBE DL:
Now that St Georges Chapel is currently undergoing deconstruction I wish to learn what plans the authority has for repositioning the Aircrew Association Stained Glass window.
16 October 2017
From: Jemma Johnson-Davey AMA
Museum Development Manager, Biggin Hill Memorial Museum Project:
We have long recognised the significance of this window and its associations. The project team has been gathering research on the window (including its installation at St George’s) but I would be grateful to receive any additional information you feel would be useful. The window has been carefully removed from the 1990s annex and is being securely stored. Our architects are finalising plans for the roundel’s incorporation into the new scheme at the museum/chapel site. Our intention is to display the roundel in a location where it can be viewed and enjoyed by all of our visitors (not just visitors paying to enter the exhibition spaces for example) as well as within a space where visitors will spend prolonged periods (i.e. with seating). I will be happy to keep you informed as our plans are finalised.
17 October 2017
From Air Commodore Jack Broughton OBE DL:
I am grateful for the details and content the authority has grasped the concerns of former military aircrew from Biggin Hill and throughout the world.
You will also be aware the significance of the chapel grounds where the remains of numbers of aircrew are resting having been placed there since WWII.
You will know the ACA was dissolved in 2011 but former members continue to meet worldwide and whilst they were outraged with the decision to demolish part of the chapel they will be mollified by your words.
I am still in touch with members of the ACA Council I would be grateful to take up your offer to be informed of progress.